12/03/2023 theres only a couple weeks left of the semester rahhh. i have so much work to do >_< . i haven't been going to any class except for my printmaking class, which sucks of me truly. my math teacher counted me as withdrawn. /: i should be doing my hw ughgfhkjhk/ !!!! anyways.. i sort of want to use this to talk about music and stuff cuz i luvvv music. theres this guy on instagram ( and im sure other apps ) that listens to 1 album a day and rates it and stuff and i think that'd be really cool. i feel like i dont have the time in my day for that though. (i absolutely do i just need to not doomscroll) im supposed to be taking next semester mostly off to work on my mental health or whatever (lame) so . idk maybe ill have more time.